Oct 19, 2007

Limbaugh smear letter sells for $2,100,100 on eBay

Harry Reid (shown on left) engineered a letter in the U.S. Senate intended to bash Rush Limbaugh (shown on right). The smear letter was signed on the Senate floor by the Senators listed at the end of this posting.

The smear backfired. Limbaugh made lemonade out of the lemons when the original letter was put up for sale on eBay with the proceeds going to charity.

(click on picture to enlarge)

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Up until now, the largest charity auction on eBay was Jay Leno’s Harley Davidson motorcycle that sold for $800,000.00. That was a celebrity Harley-Davidson. This auction was four pieces of paper.

Four pieces of paper that will haunt the left-wing of the U.S. Senate for years to come.

Word is that Harry Reid thanked Limbaugh for the auction on the Senate floor this morning. It will take more than that to wipe the egg off his face.