Jun 25, 2010

About that unpublicized finance bill

While you slept last night, Democrats in Congress forged a far-reaching finance bill that may nearly equal the devastating ObamaCare bill in several catagories:

1. Number of pages that most in Congress didn’t read before they voted.

2. Stealth measures under which the bill was written.

3. The added government control provided for in the bill.

4. The added cost to taxpayers.

Remember what Pelosi said about the 2,000 page healthcare bill - we'll have to wait until it's in effect to see what it says and what it really means?

From the article below, Chris Dodd said the same thing about this 2,000 page bill.

“No one will know until this is actually in place how it works.”

The graphic above shows handwritten marks and scribbles on a major amendment of technical changes to the bill illustrating the rapid-fire changes the legislation went through during the all-night cram-it-through session Thursday night.

Isn’t it incredible what Congress can do to America while we sleep?

From a commenter:

The main points of the bill:

Small banks will struggle to meet compliance demands.

Credit will be more difficult to obtain and there will be less of it.

Nothing in the bill addresses the problems of 2008.

Costs of compliance will be passed on directly to customers (the American people).
