Mar 14, 2010

Donald Trump caused havoc on Morning Joe

A report at the link below details the havoc ‘the Donald’ brought with him recently to the MSNBC program Morning Joe.

Trump praised Rod Blagojevich and called for the retraction of Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize.

It was the best ten minutes in the show’s history since a drunken Terry McAuliffe took Bacardi shots on air to drown the pain of Hillary Clinton’s primary defeat in 2008.

The photo shows Donald Trump on a windy bad hair day.

Trump made a grand entrance giving Brzezinski an awkward, slightly-too-long hug and admitted that he only watches the show because of her beauty.

Then he launched into a passionate defense of his comrade-in-hair, former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. “He’s got a lot of courage, when you think of it,” he said.

“When people get indicted, they crawl into a corner. They put their thumb in their mouth, they say ‘Mommy, take me home’ but this guy is on every show.”

And of Gore: “Take away his Nobel Prize.”

More here.