Mar 5, 2010

Catholics in France can ‘confess’ by phone

Dial-a-Confession. A telephone line for Roman Catholics in France allows them to do ‘confession’ by phone.

It’s not free - a pay telephone line is used.

"For advice on confessing, press one. To confess, press two. To listen to some confessions, press three," says a soothing male voice, welcoming the caller to "Le Fil du Seigneur", or "The Line of the Lord" service.

"In case of serious or mortal sins -- that is, sins that have cut you off from Christ our Lord, it is indispensable to confide in a priest," warns the 0.34 euros a minute service.

The site was set up this month at the beginning of the Christian fasting period of Lent by a group of Catholics working for AABAS, a small Paris company that provides telephone messaging services.
