Jan 21, 2010

Report: Barney Frank gives potential death-blow to ObamaCare

It is interesting that Congressman Barney Frank (pictured), along with many of his liberal colleagues, didn't seem to care at all about what the people wanted until Tuesday night.

Actually, he still doesn’t but the stunning Martha Coakley loss in Massachusetts brought him back to the reality of the voter rejection of ObamaCare.

Remember, Bwany Fwank is the brusque Congressman that insulted a constituent at a healthcare townhall last summer telling her he would rather discuss the issue with his dining room table. Well, now it appears the table leg hit him over the head.

The overwhelming majority of American’s do not want the monstrous bill that ObamaCare has turned into.

After yesterday’s “shot heard round the country,” maybe politicians, both Democrat and Republican, will finally remember they need to vote the will of their constituents rather than accept bribes for their votes.

One doesn’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing after the election in Massachusetts Tuesday.
