Imagine an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting where all the members showed up drunk and with extra cases of wine, beer, and booze to keep them happy.
Now imagine that that same group of drunks was empowered to make trillions of dollars worth of economic decisions for everybody in the world.
This absurd scenario swiftly summarizes the United Nations Climate Change Conference.
The report also calls attention to the “do as I say, not as I do” mindset of the conference:
Despite the fact that the entire conference is founded on the belief that human economic activity, especially flying and driving, is emitting levels of greenhouse gasses that will soon kill us all, plutocrats from around the world have marshaled over 1,200 limos and 140 private planes to travel to and around Copenhagen over the next two weeks.
When they are not participating in the world’s oldest profession (prostitutes in Copenhagen have reportedly offered their services free to conference attendees), conferees will be negotiating over a successor treaty to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol which obligated most developed nations to reduce their greenhouse emissions by 5 percent below 1990 baseline levels by 2012.
The main reason Europe failed to meet their Kyoto obligations was the tremendous cost of reducing emissions.
The costs to our economy would be huge.
Much more or the story here.