Nov 24, 2009

The climate change push is all about taxing and control

From a report at the link below:

For nearly 20 years, from Al Gore to President Obama, they have been intoning to us that 'the science is settled'. But as ever more scientists from outside the IPCC's self- selected 'magic circle' now maintain, it has never been more obvious that this simply isn't true.

No one has put this better than Professor Lindzen, one of the world's leading climatologists, when he wrote: 'Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st-century's developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally average temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections contemplated a roll-back of the industrial age.'

The climate controversy was never about stopping nature. It was about taxing and control.

Many scientists in the U.S. have been going along with the climate change theory in order to keep their grant money flowing. By going against the ‘warmists’ their grand money would suddenly dry up.

Ask a global warming believer why Al Gore will not debate the so-called ‘warming science’ in his books and movie. Gore won’t. He can’t.
