Oct 7, 2009

Why Americans are wary of swine flu vaccine

A Christian Science Monitor report says government officials insist that the swine flu vaccine is safe, but critics have doubts about its effectiveness and effect on children.

As the H1N1 flu vaccine begins arriving at clinics around the country this week, Americans are confronting a difficult question: Is the risk of getting the swine flu higher than potential complications from a vaccination?

Most US doctors say the new H1N1 vaccine, though quickly tested, is safe and effective. The biggest problem right now, they say, is making sure there's enough vaccine for everybody who wants a shot.

But as the US embarks on its largest vaccine campaign in history, a number of concerns – including actual effectiveness, its effect on children with asthma, and the use of miniscule amounts of mercury as a preservative in adult doses – are feeding into a growing reluctance by as many two-thirds of all US moms and dads to give their children the shot, according to a recent Consumer Reports survey.

More of the story here.