IF you still doubt President Obama is trying to do too many things and is giving short shrift to the most important ones, consider this pathetic scene at the Copenhagen airport.
It was Friday, and the president went to Denmark to make his pitch for the Chicago Olympics.Before Air Force One took off for home, Obama met with Gen. Stanley McChrystal (pictured). Our commander in Afghanistan was summoned from London and got 25 minutes of face time with the commander-in-chief.
That's it -- 25 minutes on the plane for the man Obama picked to lead 68,000 troops and rescue a war he calls one of "necessity." Compare that to the 14 hours or so Obama wasted flying and speaking about the Olympics, and you get a snapshot of a president off course.
the New York Post also says, “Not incidentally, that was the same day the unemployment rate climbed to 9.8 percent, the highest since 1983, as employers shed 283,000 more jobs in September.”
Yes, the president is trying to do too much. Even worse, much of what he is trying to do are things most Americans don't want.
In the two months before he addressed Congress on Sept. 9, he held six health-care town halls and an evening news conference.
He then hit the road for more town halls and interviews, culminating in his TV blitz on Sept. 20, when he appeared on five Sunday shows, followed by an appearance on David Letterman.
Did Mr. Obama meet with Gen. Stanley McChrystal even once during that time?
He was too busy promoting his healthcare plan followed by his unsuccessful attempt to bring the 2016 Olympic Games to Chicago.
More of the story here.