A Minnesota man was driving a motorized La-Z-Boy lounge chair when he hit a parked vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.

It isn’t often you hear of a DWI while in a recliner.
Dennis LeRoy Anderson, 62, pleaded guilty in St. Louis County District Court to DWI in connection with the Aug. 31, 2008, incident in Proctor. There were no injuries.
According to the criminal complaint, Anderson drove his motorized chair into a vehicle parked near a Proctor bar.
Anderson told police he was traveling from the Keyboard Lounge after consuming approximately eight or nine beers. His blood-alcohol content was measured at 0.29 percent, more than three times the legal limit to drive.
Mr. Anderson said he was driving the chair fine until a woman jumped on it and knocked the chair off course.
The chair (shown above along with Mr. Anderson) was powered by a Briggs & Stratton engine from a lawnmower. It has headlights, a stereo, cup holders and other custom options, including different power levels.
A National Hot Rod Racing Association sticker is posted on the chair’s head rest.
The chair has a small steering wheel, about a third of the size of a golf cart’s, coming straight up from the middle of the La-Z-Boy.