Jul 26, 2009

Unkept promises of stimulus hurting ObamaCare

A report at the link below outlines the main ObamaCare stumbling block - unkept promises of the $787 stimulus bill.

If Barack Obama fails to enact national health care, it will be because he sowed the seeds of his own demise last Feb. 17 -- the day the president, surrounded by Democratic leaders, signed the $787 billion economic stimulus bill.

Obama and congressional Democrats made promises and took actions that are now coming back to haunt them and could hurt their quest of remaking the nation's health care system.

Now the Democrats have another trillion-dollar bill - ObamaCare - that they want to pass before anyone has a chance to read it.

Republican Sen. Jim DeMint, who has emerged as a leader of the opposition in the health care fight, said:

"It's becoming clear that they misunderstood the economy, and now Americans are wondering whether they misunderstand health care."

"People are less trusting now."

Now, to judge by the polls, a lot of people view things differently.
