Jun 25, 2009

Even Obama supporters say the honeymoon is over

There is a report at the link below titled: “The presidency at five months.”

The Congressional Budget Office's preliminary cost and deficit calculations of the president's overall budget and specific health proposals have sent tremors through the Democratic Party establishment - and the White House is feeling the vibrations.

Last week, both David Broder, The Washington Post's venerable and authoritative political voice, and Chuck Todd, NBC's new important political voice, declared President Obama's honeymoon over.

The previous paragraph is revealing barometer of the political climate in Washington because both Broder and Todd have been “in the tank” for Mr. Obama from the start of the presidential campaign.

The report says it is a commonplace of Washington politics that it is not news when the other party attacks, but it is noteworthy when there is opposition within a president's own party.

Last week, on two of his three major domestic legislative initiatives - health policy and financial re-regulation - strong Democratic Party congressional doubts (and, on some important details, opposition) emerged.

Obama’s early predictions of unemployment rates have turned out to be well under the actual numbers.

Interest rates on Treasury notes needed to finance Obama’s proposed deficits are steadily climbing which is driving up mortgage rates and driving down housing recovery.

His foreign policy hasn’t been any better.

How many foreign leaders has Barack Obama scraped and bowed to on his apology tours?

The media may soon begin to tire of making excuses for him. In that event, the honeymoon will definitely be over.
