Jun 17, 2009

ABC turns programming over to Obama

How to force national healthcare on the backs of Americans in three easy steps.

1. Invite ABC News do a national healthcare infomercial in the White House.

2. Invite questions from call-in viewers - screened by ABC of course.

3. Do not allow equal time for any opposing point of view.

Media watchdogs doubted the show would be balanced.

Media credibility and fairness are at issue with some renaming ABC the "All Barack Channel."

With this ABC infomercial, to be filmed from the White House with no opposing viewpoint allowed, ABC has finally “come out of the closet” proving to America that the network is in bed with the Democrat’s and especially with Barack Obama.

Relations between ABC News and Mr. Obama could not be more intimate as ABC has now dropped any pretense of objectivity in their programming and reporting.

How long before ABC will be renamed Pravda?
