May 6, 2009

The coming health care rationing in America

Obama’s vision for medicine in America is a “single-payer” system, and the reality of “single-payer” is rationing.

When the government will be the ultimate provider of medical services, it will provide only what it can afford.

This rationing of medical services and goods will be imposed on a largely unsuspecting American population by means of simple majorities in both houses of Congress.

Almost anyone familiar with the push for what is euphemistically called “health care reform” knows that many experts on the left believe that far too many dollars are spent on providing health care to people in the final weeks or months of their earthly lives. If controls can be placed on these expenditures, then more of the government’s resources will be available for younger and much healthier people.

Thus, rationing’s first target is going to be the expensive demands made by the elderly.

The new system will simply scoff at the idea of a liver transplant for anyone over the age of 65. Or 60. Or maybe even 55. Liver transplants are expensive.

The obvious second target for medical care rationing will be for the disabled. Medical care for this group will also be expensive and therefore severely limited by Obama’s government health care plan.

After the easy cuts are made at the beginning and end of life, expect the government to begin to squeeze on disfavored behaviors via the minimization or withdrawal of medical care for, say, lung cancers in smokers or heart disease among the obese.

Another way the Obama plan will restrict medical services is by limited services to large families.

If you should pass a prescribed number of children, well, surely you can’t expect the government to treat a family of eight the same as it does a family of three –where’s the equity in that?

Equity” is, of course, in the eye of the beholder, or in this case, the holder of the purse strings.

If Obama/Pelosi/Reid “health care” reform blasts through Congress on jam-down minimum majorities and with a huge delegation of subsequent rule-writing authority built in, the holder [of the purse strings] will be the federal government.

Most amazing about this debate is that thus far there hasn’t been any.

There should be outrage! Where are the conservatives in Congress? Why aren’t they trying to oppose this socialized medicine agenda of the Obama administration?

We may soon have a health care system much the same as in the UK where anyone over a certain weight or over a certain age will have little or maybe no health care. Others will have health care provided by an inefficient over-worked system led by providers with little incentive.
