Apr 19, 2009

Public is catching on to warming scam

John Hinderaker at Power Line says (first link below):

In recent months, a key trend in American public opinion has emerged: voters are catching on to the global warming scam.

It's hard to say why this is happening; certainly not because news coverage has gotten any more unbiased or scientifically accurate. Nevertheless, somehow the word is getting out: the alarmists are all wet.

Hinderaker references a Rasmussen Reports survey (second link below) that shows that just one-out-of-three voters (34%) now believe that humans have anything to do with climate change. Instead, they said climate change was due to long-term planetary trends.

(click on cartoon to enlarge)

This is the lowest finding yet in Rasmussen Reports national surveying. These numbers reflect a reversal from a year ago when 47% blamed human activity while 34% said long-term planetary trends.

Link here and here.