Apr 16, 2009

Jesus removed prior to Obama speech per White House request

When Mr. Obama gave a speech at Georgetown University on Tuesday, several folks noticed something was missing - Jesus.

It was an ancient monogram -- the letters IHS -- that symbolizes the name of Jesus.

Amidst all of the American flags, presidential seals and teleprompters, the name Jesus had to be covered before Mr. Obama would give his speech at Georgetown University.

The White House asked that Georgetown University cover the symbol of Jesus before the Obama speech

Other similar symbols around the room were not covered. The one that the White House wanted covered was behind the podium and would be seen in photos of Obama during the speech.

A spokesperson for the university said: "I can’t imagine, as the bishops’ university and the national university of the Catholic Church, that we would ever cover up our religious art or signage for any reason."

Will main stream media news outlets cover this story? No, they can’t take time to cover a story about Barack Hussein Obama insisting on removing the name of Jesus prior to a speech.

ABC News is more interested in showing videos on their on-line news pages of Troopers testifying in the Palin probe, even though that story was non-news when it happened over six-month’s ago.

CNN and NBC are more interested in giving us the poop (pun intended) on the White House dog.
