Mar 8, 2009

Obama’s gift to Gordon Brown - as exciting as pair of socks

To say the Brits were unhappy over Obama’s treatment of their Prime Minister Gordon Brown (pictured) is surely and understatement.

The Daily News reports:

London newspapers are howling over a string of alleged snubs by Obama to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown during his visit to Washington.

"President Obama has been rudeness personified towards Britain," sniffed The Daily Telegraph Friday.

"His handling of the visit of the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, to Washington was appalling."

The list of complaints is longer than the Magna Carta: Obama canceled a planned, podium-to-podium news conference with Brown (actually, none was ever scheduled).

He recently removed a bust of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the Oval Office; and he gave gifts to the Brown family that were "about as exciting as a pair of socks," one Fleet Street wag whined.

Equally insulting, as reported in the Times of London, was Michelle Obama's "solipsistic" and "inherently dismissive" gifts to the Browns' two little boys, Fraser and John.

Mrs. Obama bought the Brown boys Toy models of Marine One, the President's helicopter — gifts the Times decided must have been plucked from the White House gift shop at the last minute.

As for removing the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office:

The Times of London immediately traced Obama's "disdain" for Churchill to Kenya, where Obama's grandfather was caught up in the Churchill-led suppression of the 1950s Mau Mau Rebellion that left thousands of
Kenyans dead.

"It's not surprising that Mr. Obama didn't want Churchill looking over his shoulder," explained one correspondent.

All this shows new evidence that the "special relationship" between the two nations is no longer quite so special.

The people of Britain are learning, along with Americans, that the Obama’s have less class than possibly any previous occupants of the White House.

One doesn’t learn etiquette as a Community Organizer in south Chicago nor by attending a church led by the racist pastor Jeremiah Wright.
