Mar 22, 2009

Gaffe-prone Obama: turning into Jimmy Carter

Once again the Brits are demonstrating to us that they really get it when it comes to our “affirmative action” president.

It’s not just because Obama (pictured) took the bust of Winston Churchill out of the Oval office where is resided since Tony Blair lent it to President George W. Bush right after the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

It’s not just because Obama snubbed their Prime Minister at the airport when he visited the United States recently. Obama broke from precedent by not granting the Prime Minister the customary honor of standing beside him in front of the two nations' flags for the TV cameras.

It’s not just because Obama didn’t grant Gordon Brown the Camp David sleepover that Blair got on his first meeting with President Bush.

It’s not just because Obama gave the Brown family trinkety Marine 1 toy helicopters and DVD’s that were not formatted for use in the UK.

It’s not just because the Obamas failed to have Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah over for a White House dinner. Such formal receptions, especially considering that Gordon Brown represents America’s staunchest ally, is simply diplomatic protocol.

It’s not just because Obama did not have a joint press conference with Mr. Brown especially after the British prime minister fought hard to be first in Washington amongst his European counterparts.

It’s not just because the American media gave the visit by the Prime Minister only minor attention while the visit dominated headlines in the UK. One British reporter accused ABC News of giving Mr. Brown “less prominence than it did a story about a sleepwalking dog that walked into a wall.” Actually, the sleepwalking was done by Barack Obama during the visit by the Prime Minister.

No, it wasn’t because of the shabby treatment of their Prime Minister by Mr. Obama. It’s because they can see what the media here in America fail to report: Mr. Obama is, as title of the article says, tungue-tied and turning into Jimmy Carter.

The Brits are aware that Jimmy Carter was perhaps the worst Democratic president since James Buchanan.
