Feb 3, 2009

Tom Daschle: poster boy for corruption in D.C.?

Former Senator Tom Daschle (pictured) is rapidly becoming a good candidate for the dubious honor of poster boy for corruption in Washington.

Barack Obama promised a "clean break from business as usual" in Washington but it hasn't quite worked out that way.

From the start, he made exceptions to his no-lobbyist rule. And now, embarrassing details about Cabinet-nominee Tom Daschle's tax problems and big paychecks from special interest groups are raising new questions about the reach and sweep of the new president's promised reforms.

Obama promised "change," but as the administration evolves, that "change" looks like more shameless graft, corruption and cronyism than we have ever seen in Washington.

At the second link below is a Power Line report titled. “Tom Daschle: symbol of what’s wrong in D.C.

Tom Daschle is a man of little ability who, as far as history records, has never had a creative or original idea about any public policy issue.

Nevertheless, through a combination of assiduous delivery of pork to his constituents, slavish devotion to the Democratic Party and ethical flexibility, he rose almost to the top of the heap in Washington, DC.

Daschle has been a borderline crook through most if not all of his Senate career. But that didn't stop the Democrats from electing him their leader in the Senate.

My personal dislike for Daschle stems from the way he deceived his constituents in my home state of South Dakota.

The Aberdeen, South Dakota native promised more than he delivered in the form of legislative benefit to his constituents. However, he brought home just enough “pork” to insure his success at the polls on Election Day. Being a hard-core liberal politician in a conservative state was an oddity.

Link here and here.