Feb 10, 2009

Get out of jail free cards for up to 57,000 California inmates

Judges in California have a simple solution to prison overcrowding - dump up to 57,000 inmates out on the streets.

A report at the link below says judges in California back a one-third reduction in state prison population.

A panel of three federal judges, saying overcrowding in state prisons has deprived inmates of their right to adequate healthcare, tentatively ruled Monday that the state must reduce the population in those lockups by as many as 57,000 people.

The judges issued the decision after a trial in two long-running cases brought by inmates to protest the state of medical and mental healthcare in the prisons.

How many will be put out onto the streets of your city?

Chances are they won’t release violent murderers. On the other hand, you can bet the prisoners to be released didn’t receive their sentences for singing too loudly in the choir.
