Feb 4, 2009

Czech president attacks Gore’s global warming

Czech President Václav Klaus (pictured) took aim at climate change campaigner Al Gore on Saturday at the World Economic forum in Davos, Switzerland.

It was a frontal attack on the science of global warming by president Klaus.

"I don't think that there is any global warming," said the 67-year-old liberal, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the European Union. "I don't see the statistical data for that."

Referring to the former US vice president, who attended Davos this year, he added: "I'm very sorry that some people like Al Gore are not ready to listen to the competing theories. I do listen to them.

"Environmentalism and the global warming alarmism is challenging our freedom. Al Gore is an important person in this movement."

The Czech President is probably aware that Al Gore will NOT debate global warming as well as NOT listen to competing theories.
