Jan 9, 2009

Did a UFO strike a UK wind turbine?

UFO enthusiasts are claiming that a UFO caused the damage to a turbine at a Lincolnshire wind farm in west central England.

The turbine lost one 66ft blade and another was badly damaged during the night.

(click on picture to enlarge)

The blade that broke off is being examined.

County councillor for the area Robert Palmer said he had seen a "round, white light that seemed to be hovering".

Ecotricity, which owns the site, said while investigations continued they were not ruling anything out - but the extent of damage was "unique".

Local UFO enthusiasts said they had received many reports of activity in the area and had teams searching for clues.

UFO skeptics will say all they need to do is find a damaged UFO somewhere and the mystery will be solved. Put handcuffs on ET make him pay for the damages.

Link here and here.