Nov 12, 2008

McCain claims Palin did not damage ticket

The old walrus finally tells the nation that Sarah Palin (pictured) did not damage the ticket. Why did he wait so long and then choose a late night TV show?

John McCain said Tuesday that Sarah Palin did not damage his presidential bid, and he dismissed as typical campaign sniping anonymous criticism aimed at her following their crushing defeat.

“I'm so proud of her and I'm very grateful she agreed to run with me. She inspired people, she still does,” McCain told Jay Leno during an Tonight Show interview taped for broadcast Tuesday night. “I couldn't be happier with Sarah Palin.”

Asked by Leno about griping about Palin from unidentified McCain operatives in the days following the election, the Arizona senator said, “These things happen in campaigns.”

Yes, those things do happen in campaigns - in poorly run campaigns.

Sarah Palin drew much larger crowds than Joe Biden. Her appearances were before many thousands in large venues while Biden often appeared before less than 2,500 (sometimes only a few hundred) in High School gymnasiums.

Sarah Palin was not a drag on the ticket. McCain was the drag. As one wag wrote, “she carried Yosemite Sam on her back while wearing heels the whole distance.”
