Nov 30, 2008

Judge: Sarkozy voodoo doll can remain on sale

President of France Nicolas Sarkozy became the subject of a voodoo doll that became a bestselling cult classic.

Sarkozy sued to have the dolls removed from sale in France.

A judge ruled that Nicolas Sarkozy: The Voodoo Manual, which features a doll, a set of pins and a book explaining how to put the evil eye on the president, fell within the boundaries of “free expression” and the “right to humor.”

Socialist Ségolène Royal was the subject of a similar voodoo doll but didn't sue.

Royal lost to Sarkozy in the last French presidential election. She hailed the doll verdict as a victory for the freedom to “caricature the world's most powerful.”

The judges ordered that it must be sold with a bright-red banner on the packaging entitled “Judicial Injunction” and a warning that sticking needles into the doll is a blow to Sarkozy's dignity.
