Oct 12, 2008

UV radiation from energy saving bulbs

There is a report at the link below titled: The energy-saving light bulbs that could leave you red-faced ... from UV radiation.

Congress passed and energy bill last year phases out Edison’s invention by 2014. Incandescent bulbs (upper picture) will go the way of the dodo bird in six years in the United States. The phase out date in the UK is 2011.

When energy-saving fluorescent bulbs become the only light bulbs available for household use, we may face some serious problems.

Experts warn that UV radiation from unencapsulated energy-saving bulbs (lower picture) can damage the skin if used closer than 12 inches to the body.

The Health Protection Agency said the UV threat could affect those who use reading lamps on their bedside tables.

Thousands of workers such as jewelry makers who work with their hands and use lamps at close quarters could also be affected.

Encapsulated fluorescent light bulbs, which are surrounded by a glass cover and look like traditional bulbs, do not emit high levels of UV.

Unencapsulated fluorescent light bulbs where the shape of the coil is clearly visible (lower picture) are the bulbs that emit UV rays.
