Sep 3, 2008

Republicans most energized since Reagan

Sarah Palin (pictured) has the Republican Party truly energized.

It’s the Sarah Palin effect.

Senior campaign adviser Steve Schmidt decried what he called a "faux media scandal designed to destroy the first female Republican nominee" for vice president.

Speaking about the media frenzy to paint Palin as the worst person on the planet, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the convention's keynote speaker:

Give her a chance to make her first speech, give her a chance to do her first interview.

Former Senator Fred Thompson:

Washington pundits and media big shots are in a frenzy over the selection of a woman who has actually governed rather than just talked a good game on the Sunday talk shows and hit the Washington cocktail circuit.

More from Fed Thompson:

Democrats present a history-making nominee for president. History-making in that he is the most liberal, most inexperienced nominee ever to run for president.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee:

I haven't seen anything that comes out about her that in any way troubles me or shakes my confidence in her.
