Maybe it's unraveling because the chief witch-hunter announced proudly that "there will be an October surprise!" revealing him to be very partisan.
Or, maybe it’s unraveling because it wasn’t raveled in the first place and the probe is really just a witch-hunt.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist ferret out the real story here.
Without left-wing media spin, it’s about the firing of a trooper who was never fired.
It’s also about the firing of a commissioner who served at the will of the governor but preferred to serve his former boss instead, hoping to engineer an October surprise to help put Barack Obama in the White House.
Democratic Senator Hollis French (pictured), who started all this, has suddenly gone quiet as the probe loses traction.
There will undoubtedly be an open seat in the next election or there will be an easy victory for almost any Republican running against Senator Hollis French.
A Lucianne comment:
Troopergate was a Bill Clinton scandal. It was when he had Arkansas state troopers bringing women to him while he was Governor.
This is tasergate. A trooper who should have been jailed for tasering a 10 year old child, drinking alcohol in his patrol car and threatening bodily harm to his ex-wife's parents.
Only in the liberal media is a State Trooper who tasered his son and threatened the life of the father of a Governor treated as a victim while Obama's Pastor of 20 years (who just happens to be a vicious anti-semitic and anti-American racist) is celebrated as a hero.