Sep 6, 2008

McCain and Palin to use US flags Dems trashed in Denver

The Democrats left 12,000 United States flags (from their ‘green’ convention) for trash pick-up at Invesco Field.

A worker at Invesco saved them from the landfill and the Republicans will recycle them for use later.

They will use these flags at their own event in Colorado Springs with John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Before McCain speaks, veterans will haul these garbage bags filled with flags out onto the stage — with dramatic effect, no doubt — and tell the story.

A video displaying the garbage bags full of flags the Democrats trashed will probably be on a McCain Palin TV ad soon.


A link to this story on the Denver Post is malfunctioning - The Post is known for taking down links to stories unfavorable to the Democratic Party.
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The Obama campaign is vigorously on the defensive on this issue claiming the flags were not intended for the trash.

Obama’s surrogates further claim the story is a ‘cheap shot’ by the McCain campaign to make the Democrats look bad.

The McCain campaign simply asks why the flags were tied up in plastic bags and placed by the dumpsters at Invesco Field where an Invesco worker salvaged them.