Aug 3, 2008

Granite counter tops pose a radiation risk

You checked the house you just purchased for mold. Everything checked out fine - or so you thought.

Then you read the report, at the link below, called: What’s Lurking in Your Countertop?

A further check with a Geiger counter showed evidence of radiation in the kitchen and bathrooms.

It turned out to be the granite counter tops.

Granite can contain high levels of uranium, which is not only radioactive but releases radon gas as it decays.

There are different types of granite and some emit very low levels of radon.

Health physicists and radiation experts agree that most granite countertops emit radiation and radon at extremely low levels.

They say these emissions are insignificant compared with so-called background radiation that is constantly raining down from outer space or seeping up from the earth’s crust, not to mention emanating from manmade sources like X-rays, luminous watches and smoke detectors.

But with increasing regularity in recent months, the Environmental Protection Agency has been receiving calls from radon inspectors as well as from concerned homeowners about granite countertops with radiation measurements several times above background levels.

More of the story here.