Jul 11, 2008

Is methane cow gas causing global warming?

Scientists are examining cow belching and flatulence in an unusual bid to combat global warming.

Experts said the slow digestive system of cows makes them a key producer of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that gets far less public attention than carbon dioxide.

Doesn't she look cool with that pink gas tank?

Will we soon have battalions of Bovine Flatulence Control Police? Hmm…that would be an interesting entry on ones résumé.

Maybe an igniter should be attached to the rear end of every cow.

Can’t you just see Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi calling for congressional investigations into bovine flatulence? They will probably create a research committee to study what happens when cows ‘break wind.’

Is Al Gore behind (pun intended) this?

If we buy cow gas offsets can we keep our SUV’s?

Link to the cow gas tank story here.