Apr 1, 2008

Anything to eat in your refrigerator?

Even though we usually know what’s in our refrigerators (after all, we bought the stuff didn’t we?) we always seem to open the door and stare inside for long minutes searching for something good to eat.

Most of us bend to our thrifty side and dutifully put every leftover scrap in the fridge for later use knowing full well that much of it will just get tossed later.

Do you put leftovers in opaque containers? We did it that way for several years - until we realized that opaque refrigerator containers almost guarantee that the contents will never be used. How often do people open every container to check what’s inside?

At our house we make more efficient use of leftovers since we started using glass containers even though we still occasionally find something that looks like a high school science project gone bad.

And how about the outside of your fridge? Does it look like a bulletin board at a community center? Most do.

Show me the fridge without magnets and notes plastered on the door and I’ll show you the eighth wonder of the world!

The link here has comments from people all around the world saying what they have in their refrigerators.

…note: the photos above were not taken in our kitchen…