Mar 11, 2007

Lying about the Libby case

A Scripps News article here says:

Lewis "Scooter" Libby stands convicted of telling lies to the FBI and a grand jury, whereas happy-faced, opportunistic Democratic leaders and the man who started this whole, awful charade, Joseph Wilson, are merely telling lies to the public.

Unlike the former adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney, of course, they won't be found guilty of a felony or face the possibility of years in prison, but they should pay a penalty for their misstatements, something on the order of a total loss of credibility and widespread disgust.

It won't happen, I am afraid, because it's been a complicated, slowly evolving case that the left has assiduously misconstrued. When Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid says it's "about time someone in the Bush administration has been held accountable for the campaign to manipulate intelligence and discredit war critics," echoing statements by other Democrats, many citizens will likely think he's merely saying the obvious.

In fact, the statement illustrates that Reid either doesn't have an honest bone in his body or is so utterly incompetent that he failed to grasp two things: what went on in court and a 2004 bipartisan report by the Senate intelligence committee. It showed conclusively that it wasn't the Bush administration doing the manipulating in this case. It was Wilson.

You won’t find this story in the New York Times and you won’t find it on CNN.

The liberal media doesn’t want us to learn that this case was as full of holes as Swiss cheese.

Compare this to the Sandy Berger case as reported here.