Feb 25, 2007

Senator Murtha embarrasses House Democrats

The Incompetence of Senator Murtha (pictured) shows - again. His Iraq plan was a strategy to slowly bleed the war of troops and funds. Now it is up in smoke as he receives criticism from Republicans as well as Democrats.

The plan was bold: By tying President Bush's $100 billion war request to strict standards of troop safety and readiness, Democrats believed they could grab hold of Iraq war policy while forcing Republicans to defend sending troops into battle without the necessary training or equipment.

But a botched launch by the plan's author, Rep. John P Murtha, has united Republicans and divided Democrats, sending the latter back to the drawing board just a week before scheduled legislative action, a score of House Democratic lawmakers said last week.

Murtha's credentials as a Marine combat veteran, a critic of the war and close ally of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were supposed to make him an unassailable spokesman for Democratic war policy. Instead, he has become a lightning rod for criticism from Republicans and members of his own party.

Murtha’s attempt to knock the knees our from under our troops and handcuff the president has backfired.

Instead, as the article says, he has united the Republicans and divided the Democrats.
