Feb 19, 2007

Global warning: what scientific consensus?

Scientific consensus on global warming? Not so fast. Just because global warming has gone political and promoted by political liberals in this country, doesn’t really mean there is a true consensus. A consensus of the liberal scientists who are “following the leader” really isn’t that meaningful.

"Scientific consensus!" chants the mainstream media in America when it comes to global warming. Not so long ago, that would have been the end of the story for nearly everyone.

One of the pleasures of the Internet is coming across first-class publications - newspapers, magazines, and the like - that might never have been available to ordinary people in the pre-wired world. Newspapers like The Scotsman and the Sydney Morning Herald, far superior to their equivalents here in the U.S., open windows to other points of view and often contain information impossible to find in the domestic media.

More of this story here.