Dec 10, 2006

John what’s his name yearning to run again

John what’s his name wants to be president so bad he can taste it!

So what did he do? Invited a group of his supporters to the Heinz-Kerry Georgetown townhouse for pot roast and butternut squash. I guess it just wasn’t a steak and potatoes crowd.

Wouldn’t it have been hilarious if the butler had brought out Hunt’s catsup for the pot roast?

According to a source who knows one of the attendees, Kerry (pictured) started off by asking guests if he should run or not: "When no one answered, he launched into a speech about why he was the best candidate."

The key phrase was: “no one answered.”

Does he think he has a chance because he sees cars in Boston that still have Kerry-Edwards bumper stickers?

One thing you can count on -- he will decide to run before he decides against it.

He only came close in 2004 because the media gave him a non-stop free political commercial.

They won’t be so kind in 2008 after breaking their hearts in 2004.

You can stick a fork in the Kerry presidential dream - it’s done.
