Dec 19, 2006

Insanity sells

Keith Olbermann (pictured) is the MSNBC liberal bobble-head-in-chief. Well, maybe he is second behind Chris Matthews.

Anyway, there is a Power Line article here titled: “Insanity Sells.”

It seems that Olbermann, host of Countdown with Keith Olbermann, has turned his show into mostly rants against conservatives spewing venom against Republicans. It's liberal insanity.

While conservatives cry, Olbermann is laughing. Laughing all the way to the bank.

If his new contract with MSNBC is anything like he is asking for, Olbermann will quadruple his current $1 million dollar income.

Proves the Power Line label correct: insanity sells.


Olbermann is good at one thing -- he sure can throw paper!
