Dec 14, 2006

Animation or music machine made from farm equipment?

Click here for a fabulous YouTube music video that is nothing short of amazing.

The YouTube video is presented as music coming from a device made from farm equipment.

However, that is not the case. The video is an excerpt from a piece called "Pipe Dreams" made by a computer animation company called Animusic. Their web site is here.

Animusic focuses on the production of 3D computer graphics music animation. They have many more full length music animation presentations that are even more awesome.

Some of their virtual instruments are invented by building computer graphics models of objects that would appear to create the sound of the corresponding music synthesizer track.

Graphical instruments range from being reminiscent of existing instruments to arbitrarily abstract.

There was a recent PBS fundraiser program that presented and sold CD’s of this style of animated music.

…thanks to Twila Bauer for calling this to our attention.

Three short sample video clips of more computer music animations are here, here and here

A short video clip in color of “Pipe Dream” is here. Their Music Store is here.